Changes in emotional behaviour of adolescents participating in a prophylactic program
Okładka tom 18
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SrebroW. (2011). Changes in emotional behaviour of adolescents participating in a prophylactic program. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 18(1), 245-271.


The article presents the results of the research on the effectiveness of the preventive and therapeutic program carried out in a sociotherapeutic centre. The aim of the study was to show the dynamics of emotional behaviour of children and young people involved in the support program and psychological assistance. In the adopted hypothesis it has been assumed, that the program proposals in the form of teaching and psychological support are relevant and effective. In the theoretical part of the article the issues of prevention, implemented in the form of specialised programs have been presented. In the methodological part the research group, methods and test procedures have been described. In order to describe the dynamics of adolescent emotional changes, the test methods have been used to measure aggressive behaviour, anxiety, depression and personality characteristics. For this purpose the scale of R.B. Cattell High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) translated by J. Kostrzewski, scale of A.H. Buss, A. Durkee Moods and whims in the adaptation of M. Chojnowski, Inventory of State and Trait Anxiety (STAI) in the Polish adaptation of K. Wrześniewski and T. Sosnowski, scale of M. Kovacs Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), in translation of M. Oleś have been used. The results were analysed statistically according to a complex experimental plan of repeatable measurements, including analysis of the main and interactive effects. The calculations were made using the model of the analysis of variance using the statistical package STATYSTICA. These results confirm the accepted hypothesis. It is therefore necessary to adopt the positive impact of the support program and psychological help on the dynamics of emotional changes in children and adolescents participating in the analysed program. Moreover, the results indicate the complexity of the factors, which condition the process of psychological changes in adolescents. Behaviour of adolescents participating and not participating in the support program and psychological help shown a large variations conditioned by internal influence of variables towards each other. As a result of the carried out analysis new questions have emerged, to which the answer must involve the need to carry out further, more detailed research.
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