Innovations implemented by self-employed women in Poland – case studies
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self-employed women
small and medium enterprises

How to Cite

MisiakS. (2014). Innovations implemented by self-employed women in Poland – case studies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 149-158.


Self-employment is usually conducted on a small scale. Due to this fact persons having that kind of economic activity belong to the group of companies considered as less innovative than large, international corporations. It’s also believed that women entrepreneurs implement less innovations than men. Therefore, it is important to promote examples of innovation that are implemented by self-employed women. The case studies presented in the article are the result of research project "The process of women’s self-employment as a form of entrepreneurship. Determinants and consequences". The aim of research was to identify and evaluate the determinants and effects of self-employment of women in Poland. The quantitative and qualitative surveys were carried from August 2012 to January 2013. As a part of qualitative research 39 direct interviews were carried out in ten voivodships in Poland. The quantitative analysis were made as an anonymous questionnaire survey sent by email. The aim of the article is to present examples of innovations implemented by women who took part in research. As an addition to the descriptions of the case studies, the intentions to expand and develop the companies by surveyed women are worth mentioning. Approximately 75% of self-employed women plan to bring in new products and about 50% would like to invest in new equipment or technologies. Case studies can provide help for those who want to improve their companies through implementing innovations.
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