The development of ergonomics in Poland and in the world
Okładka tom 29
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work environment
ergonomic institutions

How to Cite

MuszyńskiZ. (2016). The development of ergonomics in Poland and in the world. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 29(1), 87-100.


The article presents selected, more important problems of the development of ergonomics in Poland and worldwide. It gives the essence, the significance of ergonomics, it characterises its interdisciplinary character and presents the development of institutions which deal with ergonomics: ergonomic commissions and committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Ergonomics Society, Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute and other organisations operating in Poland and abroad. The further part of the paper analyses selected determinants of ergonomic work, with particular attention to social and economic aspects, especially of labour productivity and job satisfaction. It also formulates activities stimulating the ergonomic progress, as well as activities making it an important component of the development of economy.
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