Innovations in the service sector in Poland
Okładka tom 26
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kinds of innovations
effectiveness of innovations
service sector

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CzubałaA. (2015). Innovations in the service sector in Poland. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 26(1), 35-45.


Innovations are an important factor of the development of contemporary economies. And although the understanding of their essence has not changed much since the times of Schumpeter, commonly regarded the creator of the theory of innovations, numerous Authors have tried to formulate new definitions relating innovations not only to inventions but also to changes implemented in various areas of enterprise activities and driving factors of innovations changing in time. In the research based on the statistical data, the definition and classification of innovations based on the international standard developed by the OECD experts, so called Oslo Manual, are most often adopted. They are also adopted in this article. The aim of the article is to present the development of innovations in the service sector in Poland in the years 2009–2011. On the basis of the Central Statistical Office data, collected with the use of the Oslo Manual methodology, the innovativeness level of service firms by size and by sections of the conducted business activities is analyzed and assessed. Moreover, the share of enterprises implementing product, process, organizational, marketing innovations in individual service sections, as well as the effectiveness of product innovations are analyzed. The analysis of the data depicting innovative activities of service firms reveals a downward trend. The share of enterprises which have introduced at least one innovation in their total number is going down in time, the share of revenues from the sales of new products in the total revenues is decreasing, the expenditure on innovative activities is falling. The main source of innovations is the implementation of modern information and communication techniques. Thus, they are innovations based on the factors of production “pushed” by technique and industry. The article includes only an initial analysis of innovations in services and indicates a need for holistic, interdisciplinary research into innovations and their effectiveness, not only the economic but also the social one
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