Efficiency of the owner’s supervision in public sector enterprises in view of the new institutional economy
Okładka tom 17


owner’s supervision
public sector
principles of supervision

How to Cite

BarwaczK. (2011). Efficiency of the owner’s supervision in public sector enterprises in view of the new institutional economy. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 17(1), 29-42. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2011.01.2942


The paper presents selected aspects of efficiency of the owner’s supervision institution and its specific nature in public sector enterprises against the background of the new institutional economy. In-depth presentation includes the meaning of the “institution” term, its structure and types, with a special attention paid to supervision institutions. The problem has also been discussed of the functionality of application of the institutional approach (especially of the new institutional economy) for assessment of effectiveness of the owner’s supervision. This issue has been discussed against the background of the specific nature of the public sector in Poland. These issues have been presented in the context of defining the role of the state in the economy and directions of changes aimed at reduction of its unreliability. The issues have also been analysed concerning the public domain resulting from modern social expectations and principles of the market economy, with a special attention paid to the theory of ownership rights. In the context of indication of the role of the state in the Polish economy, the principles have been presented for exercising the owner’s supervision over the companies with the share of the State Treasury, introduced by the Ministry of the State Treasury in March 2010. The principles prepared are not contradictory to the theory of the owner’s supervision, yet the assumed concept for strengthening the position of the supervisory board requires application of effective mechanisms of the owner’s supervision to ensure strengthening this institution. Presentation of excerpts from results of empirical research of the author in reference to the effectiveness institution of the supervisory board in municipal companies, along with the conclusions from these tests is an important part of the paper. Application of the research methodology based on the categorisation procedure was the essence of the conducted research. The final part of the paper discusses the directions for improving corporate governance in these companies in the view of the new institutional economy.



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