How to convert economics to science
Okładka tom 17


economic theory

How to Cite

DobijaM. (2011). How to convert economics to science. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 17(1), 83-103.


Sciences characterise some special quality. Each science saves expensed action, that is to say time and energy. Moreover, professionals are responsible for their action and they can be suing if their work fails. Bridge or plain constructors are responsible for their work, as well medical doctors, and other similar professions. It is also met among some economic disciplines. Who is able to measure periodical income of company faster, cheaper, and better than double entry accounting system? This is not a case of macroeconomics, particularly the most important domain, namely the theory of money. This is economic domain where fundamental law of energy conservation is not respected, despite the fact that in sciences this principle is known since 150 years. Each professional takes into regard the fact that ability of doing work cannot be created. The present theory of money admits action against this never broken rule. Therefore it is not a science. This fact is damaging for societies and for that reason possible economic progress is blocked by budget deficits and taxes.


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