Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM)
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manufacturing methods
production management methods
production management systems
Quick Response Manufacturing concept

How to Cite

PyrekR. (2006). Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 9(1), 183-200. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2006.01.183200


Modem methods of production management, such as MRP I, MRP II, MRP III/ERP or Just in Time, Kanban, OPT production management systems enable enterprises to have definitely better opportunities of adaptation to dynamic changes on the market. Owing to these methods an enterprise can achieve better financial results, e.g. by eliminating waste, which, as a consequence, gives rise to a substantial growth in its competitiveness. QRM concept aims to continuously adjust operations to ensuing changes, both internal and external ones. The Quick Response Manufacturing concept assures substantial flexibility of response to signals from the market, a possibility of instant response to customers ' needs.

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