The determinants of business negotiations
Okładka tom 26
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negotiations in a company
external determinants of negotiations in a company
internal determinants of negotiations in a company

How to Cite

KozinaA. (2015). The determinants of business negotiations. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 26(1), 87-95.


Innovative approach to business negotiations, unlike traditional one, focused on negotiations process itself, considers their various determinants. Global, turbulent environment is highly challenging to the managers in contemporary companies. Numerous, very dynamic and complicated inter- and intra-organizational relations of either competitive or cooperative character result in sharply increasing scope and importance of business negotiations. Therefore it is necessary to search for effective methodological tools of analyzing them, which could facilitate resolving practical problems, occurring in managerial work. The objective of the paper is to characterize the determinants of business negotiations (within a company). Firstly, in the introduction the idea of such negotiations is clarified, putting stress on their interpretation as an interactive decision making process. Secondly, the external determinants of negotiations within a company are described, stemming from environmental impact and inter-organizational relationships. Thirdly, the internal factors influencing such negotiations are presented, of both indirect and direct character. In closing part the areas of subsequent research on business negotiations determinants are pointed out, in particular concerning the elaboration of methodological framework for identifying and analyzing such determinants.
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