The concept and forms of social marketing of companies
Okładka tom 22
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social marketing
environmental marketing

How to Cite

CzubałaA. (2013). The concept and forms of social marketing of companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 25-34.


Social marketing is the process of creation, communication and delivery of value to customers in a way that takes into account their social, environmental and ethical expectations. Its implementation requires from the company to perform an analysis of the markets development directions, an identification of segments, for which the social and ecological benefits are important, and their inclusion in the processes of creating and delivering the expected values to the customers. Customers’ increased interest in social and environmental problems is the reason why ethical behaviour is expected from manufacturers (sellers), as well as good quality of products that are safe for life and health, eco-friendly packaging, reliable information, fair advertising and plain complaint procedures. The customers are also able to effectively oppose to unethical business practices (e.g. by boycotting products). The changing market behaviour of consumers enforces companies to enrich the market offer with additional social benefits and becomes the most important initiator of social marketing orientation implementation. The article describes the concepts of three forms of social marketing: ecological marketing, charityrelated marketing, and sponsorship marketing. These forms are discussed by presenting the target customer segments and the benefits for the company and various groups of its stakeholders. Attention is also drawn to the need to include in the social marketing the actions reactive to criticism of marketing, which build its image in society. The reflections were based on the study of literature and the results of research carried out by KPMG, FOB, and presented in a variety of scientific studies.
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