The role of the strategic analysis in the assessment of a tourist enterprise's operations
Okładka tom 14
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tourist enterprise
value chain analysis
strategic analysis
SPACE analysis

How to Cite

TyranskaM. (2009). The role of the strategic analysis in the assessment of a tourist enterprise’s operations. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 14(3), 63-83.


The article presents the role that the strategic analysis plays in the assessment of a tourist enterprise's operations. In order to achieve this objective the peculiarity of a tourist enterprise's operations is presented, including a description of its different types and a presentation of organisational, legal determinants of these enterprises' development, as well as the technical and material base which forms the basis for the operations being run. Further, the article covers the functions of the strategic analysis in a tourist enterprise. Selected methods of the strategic analysis are characterised by presenting their application in the assessment of different tourist enterprises' operations.
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