Foreign investments in towns and regions. main advantages and their conditions
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globalization of enterprise activity
multinational enterprise
foreign investment
direct investments
investment strategy
investing attractiveness
investment decisions

How to Cite

SzromnikA. (2001). Foreign investments in towns and regions. main advantages and their conditions. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 7-19.


The subject of the paper's analysis is the investment processes carried out abroad as a sign of enterprises' becoming international companies. The author has presented the complex system of conditions of the flows of investment capital, including, apart from own internal motifs, also four additional groups of factors originating from the domestic and foreign environment. Foreign investments are treated in the paper as a phenomenon consisting of various aspects, implying specific advantages and losses for the interested towns and regions. The author proposes the 8+8 list of advantages related to foreign investments, i.e. eight direct and eight main indirect advantages. The list is accompanied by the enumeration of the most common negative consequences of the direct investments abroad. Investment attractiveness of a town (region) that is characterised by the conditions that are dependent (variable) and independent (fixed) from the kind of location, has been the subject of a thorough analysis of the paper.
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