Marketing conditions for the development strategies of small and medium companies
Okładka tom 4
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small business
industrial policy
company development strategy
competition strategy
enterprise behavior
conditions for development of industry

How to Cite

Famielec J. (2001). Marketing conditions for the development strategies of small and medium companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 21-30.


The article handles the problem of the market conditions of the development strategies of small and medium companies. It has been assumed that the strategic activities are presently the basic chance of the development of small and medium businesses. These companies have to face demand limitations, strong competitors, and difficulties in collecting capital. It seems therefore necessary that the owners of small enterprises have to learn new strategic behaviours. The paper characterises two groups of the external conditions, namely sector characteristics and industry restructurisation processes, that influence the strategic behaviour of small and medium companies
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