Direct sales as farms' distribution channel
Okładka tom 2
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agricultural marketing
marketing of agricultural products
product distribution
direct sales
arable farm
conference materials

How to Cite

CieślaS. (1999). Direct sales as farms’ distribution channel. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (2), 69-77.


The paper touches the problems connected with the direct sales, which is the channel of distribution for farms. A very important role of distribution as an element of marketing mix is emphasised. The paper covers as well the analysis of direct means of the farming products sales by their producers and accompanying advantages and disadvantages. The author notes considerable benefits like liquidation of the intermediate links concerning the sales what increases the economic efficiency of production. Various advantages and disadvantages of different product sales forms were presented. These forms depend on what is suitable for a specific farm, location time or product. Summing up his discussion the author stresses that the direct sales make the conditions enabling a creation of "attachment" of a farmer and his farm. This feature is a basic issue regarding the direct distribution of farming products.
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