Methods of price determination in hotel companies
Okładka tom 13 cz. 2
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hotel industry

How to Cite

PuciatoD. (2009). Methods of price determination in hotel companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 329-336.


Survival and development of every enterprise depends on implementation of the market orientation. As a result of occurring changes, prices will probably one of significant instruments of competition between hotel companies. This article presents methods of price determination in the hotel industry. The procedure of price strategy selection consists of the following steps: selection of the objective of the price strategy; determination of the demand volume; cost estimation; analysis of costs, prices and competitive offers; selection of the method to determine prices; and selection of the final price. All the known price calculation formulas are based on three ideas: costs; demand; and competition. In practice, the price policy is not solely based on one method. Frequently, the upper price limit is determined by the limit of demand; whereas the lower one - by product manufacturing costs. A rational price policy has to be based on application of all the three methods, and should originate from acceptance in preferred market segments.
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