Fundamental causes of financial crisis
Okładka tom 13 cz. 1
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non-zero game
economic constant
nature of labor and money

How to Cite

Dobija M. (2009). Fundamental causes of financial crisis. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 171-192.


Economy conducted in reality is limited by fundamental laws. These laws include, among others, energy conservation principle, random and spontaneous growth of disorder and cost-effectiveness law. The first two laws cannot be omitted; they constitute a nature of reality. An attempt to violate these laws leads to a catastrophe and crisis. Financial crisis appears in the economy, when the principle of conservation of capital is dishonored. It is true, if Central Banks create too much cash money and transfer it to commercial banks. Thanks to the understanding, that the capital is an ability to perform work, we know that this procedure disturbs the first fundamental principle. Additionally, the recent discovery of the economic constant shows, that the possibilities of growth are limited. Therefore, the overflow of cash causes fast financial growth, and then economic ratio has to adjust to its feasible real value, that is to the limitations determined by nature of reality.
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