Cultural relativism in economic ethics. case study – an example of a culture crash between Poland and Japan
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How to Cite

RamockaM. (2010). Cultural relativism in economic ethics. case study – an example of a culture crash between Poland and Japan. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 15(1), 67-76.


The article brings up the issue of ethical relativism in the work and management context. It presents a case of Japanese company Sharp, which produces TVsets in Poland. Using this example of lack of rapport, we set out to demonstrate the meaning of culture differences in work and management ethics with reference to standards in Far East and Poland. The first part presents a study case, followed by the problem of culture relativism and criteria of the culture division, based on the religious background. In the end we presented the values adequate for ethics in the Far Eastern confronted with that in Poland.
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