The methods and techniques of the strategic analysis in building product strategy
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product strategy
strategy formulation
strategic analysis

How to Cite

Walas-TrebaczJ. (2000). The methods and techniques of the strategic analysis in building product strategy. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 113-137.


The product strategy is determined by many factors whose identification and evaluation is necessary for the strategy development. The analysis of the factors shaping the formulation of a given product strategy and the selection of the most effective strategy among all available options is possible due to the application of various methods and detailed techniques for the particular stages of the product strategy methodology. The task of the managers and employees involved in the development of the product strategy is the right selection of the applicable solutions worked out on the basis of numerous scientific disciplines including: organisation and management, marketing, finance, mathematics, statistics and others. Developing the strategy various methods should be applied in order to consider as many different factors as possible so that the selected products strategies could be implemented to the greatest benefit of the company. In this article the basic concepts related to the product strategy are presented as well as the methods and techniques used in the strategy creation. The paper describes the methodology of product strategy development in an enterprise and it characterizes the basic group of the methods and techniques used in product strategy formulation, cf "strategic analysis - methods and techniques". Moreover, due to the abundance and big variety of the methods and techniques that can be applied in product strategy development, they have been classified according to the different criteria.
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