Owner's supervision in the context of a company development
Okładka tom 3
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enterprise management
managerial managing
managerial staff
managerial contract
enterprise development

How to Cite

TyranskaM. (2000). Owner’s supervision in the context of a company development. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 93-111. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2000.03.93111


The sources of the owner's supervision idea are be found in an enterprise development and primarily, in the separation of the ownership from management. The owner's supervision focuses basically on all the matters concerning the supervision over the invested capital by the shareholders and investors with the limited influence upon everyday company activities and the decision power delegated to the managing staff. The above mentioned issues cover, first of all, the possibilities and methods of control over the company activities by the shareholders (investors) including: managers motivation and control, influence of the product and capital markets and the control of companies. In the result of theoretical discussion concerning the idea of the owner's supervision the contract managing is applied into company management.

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