Dependencies between financial ratios among companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange


financial ratios

How to Cite

PilchB. (2021). Dependencies between financial ratios among companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 50(2), 37-51.


The dependencies between liquidity, profitability and indebtedness ratios are usually quite unclear. Many empirical studies provide insight into this issue. However, research results are varied and often inconsistent. Hence, it was decided to verify the relationships between the title groups of indicators, taking into account the Polish capital market. The research methodology included mainly the literature review and data analysis (using descriptive statistics and correlation). The research sample consisted of the majority of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and covered the period 2015–2019. Based on this analysis, the following conclusions were drawn. Regarding liquidity ratios, it is worth pointing out that their values are strongly differentiated. On average, it seems that analyzed entities were characterized by quite a safe level of liquidity. Most of the companies were also generating income (in more than 60% of cases). The level of their indebtedness was medium, but coverage ratios were at a fully satisfactory level on average. The relationships between liquidity and profitability indicators were varied, there was no significant correlation between them. An increase in profitability/ liquidity on average led to slightly negative or no relevant changes in liquidity/ profitability. For the dependence between profitability and indebtedness, it was rather a negative one. Similarly, a negative correlation was observed in the case of the liquidity and the level of indebtedness.


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