Knowledge alliances and their impact on the innovative activity of the enterprise
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knowledge alliances
innovative potential
capacity for innovation

How to Cite

KaraśA. (2021). Knowledge alliances and their impact on the innovative activity of the enterprise: -. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 51(3), 75-85.


The aim of the article is to present the motives for concluding alliances between entities and an attempt to show their impact on the innovativeness and innovative activity of the enterprise. The first part of the article presents a discussion on the concepts related to innovation and the innovative potential of an enterprise, as well as the classification, features and goals of cooperation within strategic alliances. The article assumes that the innovative potential of an enterprise is a set of socio-economic features, shaped as part of the development of a given enterprise, constituting the basis for its innovative activity. The sectoral environment also has a strong impact on the innovativeness of the enterprise, i.e.: customers, competitors or cooperators and the relationships between them. The assessment of the degree of conducted innovative activity is the number of implemented innovations, the type of innovation or the values obtained from the innovations. The second part of the article presents the results of the analysis using the “case study” method. In the presented examples of enterprises, innovative activity is the result of effective cooperation with other entities by concluding alliances of joining forces or knowledge alliances. Due to alliances, enterprises have the opportunity to expand their own innovative potential, acquire knowledge necessary to create innovations and build a market position.
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