Risk influence on consumer behaviour on tourist market
Okładka tom 9
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consumers’ behaviour patterns
consumer risk
tourist market
tourist product

How to Cite

RudnickiL. (2006). Risk influence on consumer behaviour on tourist market. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 9(1), 259-265. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2006.01.259265


In the market economy the consumer is in the focus of attention. Their market decisions determine the prosperity and success of an enterprise manufacturing and selling products. The knowledge of consumer behaviour and factors which shape it are the basis for taking marketing decisions at all stages of creating a market offer. The importance of individual factors which shape consumer behaviour on the market varies depending on the type of a purchased product. In case of tourist products these behaviour patterns are seriously affected by perceived risk. A purchase of a tourist product is a risky activity, in particular as far as a product acquired for the first time is concerned; such a purchase is usually accompanied by the risk of making the wrong decision and suffering different types of damages. The perceived risk can lead to resigning from purchasing a product by the consumer. It is a factor seriously affecting consumer behaviour as well as market offers of tourist agencies plus sales volume of tourist products. The article discusses the role of risk in the process of taking the decision concerning purchases by consumers and its kinds, it also points to opportunities of decreasing the risk of tourist product purchase, perceived by consumers.


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