Systemic transformation influence on living conditions of Polish households
Okładka tom 9
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RudnickiL. (2006). Systemic transformation influence on living conditions of Polish households. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 9(1), 9-24.


Transformations taking place in the Polish economy over the last fifteen years, including transition from the economy centrally manager to the market one gave rise to significant changes in the existence of households. The transition process from the market economy seriously affected Polish households. The marketisation of economy and its privatisation led to fundamental changes in two economic dimensions of the society's existence - in the sphere of work and that of consumption. The results of systemic transformation manifested themselves in the impoverishment of households and huge unemployment, which gave rise to an increase in the level of their consumption and limited the opportunities and level of satisfying the needs of Polish households. The author of the article presents the influence of the systemic transformation on the financial situation of Polish households and their consumption. Furthermore, he discusses changes appearing in housing conditions and those in providing these households with long-lasting goods.
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