Condo investments as an alternative form of allocation of capital
Okładka tom 24
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real estate

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ChrabaszczK. (2014). Condo investments as an alternative form of allocation of capital. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 47-58.


The article is devoted to issues of investment on Polish real estate market. The author focuses on the relatively new trend on Polish real estate market ‒ condo investments, comparing them with similar offers from the market—investing in holiday properties. The author also reveals the possibility of investing in real estate homes—condo hotels that combine the ability to have a luxury room for rent in a 4‒5 star hotel located in a recreational location (mountain or coastal areas ) with the prestige of having such premises for his own use by a few days a year. The fact of that, the condo market investment is a young market causes problems in understanding what actually are the condo property, primarily by private investors. However, experts estimate that condo suites in hotels in Poland are approximately 7‒10 percent of all units in tourist resorts have the option of earning. Market of condo investment, which is derived from the United States, earned a relatively high popularity in the overseas European holiday and leisure resorts. In Poland the investment segment described has a high chance of development.
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