Property services in the economies of EU Member States
Okładka tom 20
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a pool of properties
input-output analysis
construction industry
property services
housing industry

How to Cite

Kałkowski L. (2012). Property services in the economies of EU Member States. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 20(1), 63-72.


Services related to the world pool of properties constitute a significant sector of the national economy of each country. It is recorded in a separate row and column of national input-output tables. Thanks to Eurostat, we have access to tables of 26 EU Member States in the English language, presenting figures from years 1995-2007. The analysis of input-output tables of the 26 EU states made us deepen and reinforce our knowledge about the position of the real property sector in the economies of the analysed countries. Despite certain deficiencies and gaps of the studied material, the obtained picture is quite reliable, detailed and up to date. Based on the studied statistical materials, the real property sector seems significant, representing 5.7% share of the total value of the EU states’ total output, and stable in time. It cooperates with all other sectors included in national tables. Property services are usually accompanied by the construction sector. Together they constitute 1/8 of each state’s total output. The main ‘users’ of property services is the housing industry and, to some extent, non-residential buildings. The symbolic indicator per 1 statistical flat per month represents the actual situation, and in 2007 (the last year of the studies) it was equal to 105-318 euro per person. The Polish economy—with worse parameters related to housing—expended around 260 zlotys (65 euro) on services related to its pool of properties, with similar level of capital investment as compared to other states.
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Eurostat. 2011. Międzynarodowe tablice przepływów międzygałęziowych 26 państw należących do Unii Europejskiej z lat 1995-2007
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