Specification of accommodation facilities in Tarnów
Okładka tom 14
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tourist infrastructure
hotel management
accommodation facilities

How to Cite

PuciatoD. (2009). Specification of accommodation facilities in Tarnów. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 14(3), 111-121. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2009.03.111121


Tourism very often plays a significant role in the social and economic development processes in many towns and cities. Although the primary factor of tourism development is the presence of natural tourist qualities, it would not be possible to gain any benefits for such areas without the appropriately developed accommodation facilities. The dissertation presents the condition of accommodation facilities in Tarnów. In 2007, there were only eight accommodation facilities situated in the city: three hotels; two unclassified facilities; one boarding house; one campsite; and another hotel facility. There were 567 beds available, 37,438 guests used all the accommodation facilities situated within the city. An average tourist stayed in Tarnów for approximately 1.75 days. The low saturation of the city in accommodation facilities is a serious obstacle to tourism development in this area. To change this, numerous actions should be taken aimed at development of the accommodation infrastructure.

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