Changes in macro-environment versus operation of contemporary hotel companies
Okładka tom 14
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company environment
hotel industry

How to Cite

PuciatoD., & ZmigrodzkiM. (2009). Changes in macro-environment versus operation of contemporary hotel companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 14(3), 85-94.


This article sets out to present the directions of development of contemporary hotel companies resulting from changes in their macro-environment. Changes in the international environment case horizontal and vertical concentration within the hotel industry. The technological environment forces application of modern equipment and booking systems. Social and cultural changes result in enrichment of hotel products by health-related services whereas demographic trends imply establishment of the third-age hotels. The natural environment determines the economical management of resources and favours facilities located in clean areas. Democratisation of life and easier border crossing are the legal and political factors that result in the necessity of establishing low-budget hotels. The economic environment makes hotels use outsourcing or normalised quality management systems. Taking into account the aforementioned conditions, the ability to anticipate changes in the macro-environment will be, in the future, one of the key competences of managers on whom development of every hotel company will depend.
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