Psychosocial subsystem of an organisation in the light of empirical studies of the motives and attitudes of employees in health care
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psychosocial subsystem

How to Cite

MrozowiczK., & WojciechowskaA. (2010). Psychosocial subsystem of an organisation in the light of empirical studies of the motives and attitudes of employees in health care. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 15(1), 55-65.


Each healthcare facility (hospital, clinic, etc.) functioning in the current economic situation, oriented on marketing, is subject to the influence of the environment, strong competition from other units of the same type and the growing demands of society. It has became particularly evident in the recent years, especially since the delivery of the new health reform. Focus on the intangible assets of organizations and managing them through efficient workers in many respects is gaining special importance now. This article among its many objectives, theoretical, cognitive and practical applications, is designed to illustrate the faculties managing autonomous bodies in Health Care that the key to market success in the era of marketing competitiveness is the development of social potential as a strategic factor of competitive advantage.


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