Designing the work time system in a company - outline
Okładka tom 3
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working time
work organization
enterprise management

How to Cite

KoziolL. (2000). Designing the work time system in a company - outline. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 19-32.


The subject of the paper is the presentation of the idea of work-time organisation improvement in a company, including specification of the improvement stages and description of the more important research methods that are to help in the design work. The starting point of the paper is the presentation of the basic ideas and regulations related to the work time as specified under the labour code as well as work time forms, benchmarking characteristics, internal marketing and negotiations as the applied techniques. All the issues of the design and improvement of work time organisation are presented in two aspects - strategic and operational, mainly related to the implementation of the new work time solutions.
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