Financial management in households
Okładka tom 23


financial decisions
settlement of liabilities

How to Cite

RudnickiL. (2013). Financial management in households . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 23(2), 171-181.


The main objective of a household is to meet its members’ needs and aspirations. In order to achieve it, the household has to pursue the appropriate financial policy. As a result of budgetary restrictions, consumers face the necessity to consider numerous financial issues and take proper decisions. The subject of the article is the finance of households. It discusses the financial decision making process in households and fund management in a household. It shows the conditions of accumulating savings and retaining them, pays attention to their diverse character, presents the goals of saving in Polish households. Moreover, the article discusses the conditions of converting savings into investment and the risk related to it. It also shows the size and the structure of financial assets of Polish households.


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