Market Value Added (MVA) and Total Shareholder Return (TSR) among IT and video game companies listed in Warsaw Stock Exchange


efectiveness indicators
rates of return
accrual indicators

How to Cite

PilchB. (2021). Market Value Added (MVA) and Total Shareholder Return (TSR) among IT and video game companies listed in Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 49(1), 61-74.


Nowadays, the measurement of a company’s performance seems to be complex. There are many classical accrual indicators of profitability, like ROA, ROE and EPS. However, the concept of focusing on maximization value for owners has its influence on the main aim of the functioning of business entities. Because of it, and of disadvantages of previously mentioned measures, new ones, referred to value added for shareholders, have been created. Indicators like EVA, MVA and TSR led to the estimation of value created by the company. The aim of this paper is to analyze the added value created by chosen listed companies. The empirical research was focused on comparing added value for shareholders with risk and accrual indicators by using descriptive statistics and correlation. The level of risk among analyzed companies (from IT and video game sector, listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange) was different—quite high for entities, which activity is connected with the video games industry, and lower for IT companies. In general, MVAs and TSRs were characterized by the high volatility of their values. What is more, the higher risk was not related to higher rates of return (measured by TSR). Moreover, there were no significant relationships between accrual indicators and value added measures. What is worth mentioning, the result of the analysis differs from the studies mentioned in the paper. It might be caused by specific sample selection.


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