Importance of university-level educational facilities in developing innovative attitudes
Okładka tom 17


enterprising university
innovative attitude

How to Cite

MikosA. (2011). Importance of university-level educational facilities in developing innovative attitudes. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 17(1), 147-160.


The author defines the terms of innovation, innovativeness and innovative attitudes in the paper. The text is based on three basic theses. First, due to the fact that the capacity to create innovation is an issue gaining more and more importance and it is becoming a function in the process of company management. Innovative attitude is a source of innovation, however, knowledge subjected to the proper processing is the necessary condition. Perception of the entity through its employees, and they in turn being assessed in terms of the acquired skills and inborn predispositions, is the guarantee of success in business activities and in developing the innovative potential. Every single entity is capable of being innovative, only the proper activities to stimulate creativity and creative thinking should be undertaken. This role may be successfully performed by any university-level educational facility, and the enterprise would continue the initiated process of developing and perfecting innovative attitudes. Additionally, the paper presents trends in the changes that occur in university-level education and the role that universities perform in the economy based on knowledge. The enterprising university may be a place to gain knowledge and learn being innovative. Creativity and innovativeness of the student is developed there, and when he completes his studies, he will become a prospective employer or employee. The essence of developing the above features and assuming such attitudes has been presented, because this may contribute to an organisation being innovative, thus its achieving permanent competitive edge and further dynamic growth. Additionally, combining science with business is one of the possibilities of propagating pro-innovative patterns in the economy. Emphasising the role of a university-level educational facility is a chance for making changes in education and in business at the same time. Finally, the author presents conclusions from the presented problem.


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