Role of territorial marketing in development of rural communes in the context of competitiveness of the region
Okładka tom 17


economic potential
local development
territorial marketing

How to Cite

PoplawskiL. (2011). Role of territorial marketing in development of rural communes in the context of competitiveness of the region. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 17(1), 171-181.


This paper presents the role of territorial marketing in development of rural communes in the context of competitiveness of the region. Under the present conditions, increasing significance is gained by the conditionings of the development of particular regions, which should constitute the basis of the directions of development of given provinces. For this reason, this study presents the idea of factors and elements of territorial marketing of a region present in the literature on the subject in the context of competitiveness of the region. For several years territorial marketing, whose subject can be a commune, a district, a region, a state and also a special spatial unit with exceptional social and political, tourist and historic meaning, in particular landscape and national parks as well as nature reserves and protected landscape regions, has started to play a significant role in development. The efficiency of affecting partners can be noticed not only in companies on the market of consumption goods, but also in service companies, investment sector, farms, social institutions, social organisations and non-profit institutions. This fact has stirred interest in territorial marketing. What has a significant meaning in the development of the analysed marketing is the specificity of a given state (region). Strong regionalisation and increase in competitiveness between centres is a meaningful stimulus for local marketing development, particularly in the face of economic backwardness of some regions, increase in the unemployment in those areas, the lack of services, etc. Furthermore, there is a demand for social support of local authorities as well as strong identification of inhabitants with a region (area). Strong identification is especially noticeable in the case of states and regions which up till the present day had strongly marked their local specificity, especially in terms of culture. In numerous countries or territories in the case of inhabitants’ satisfaction, there is also a high degree of presenting outside support for local authorities in a number of undertaken enterprises.


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