Shaping the motivational potential of work in an organization


work motivation
work potential
motivational potential of work diagnosis methodology

How to Cite

KoziołL., & SmoleńR. (2020). Shaping the motivational potential of work in an organization. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 46(2), 147-160.


This paper outlines selected concepts, factors and instruments, which may be used for motivating employees to work. It was found that work motivation depends on both the employee willingness and competences, their individual characteristics, as well as on the motivational characteristics of the work performed. The concept of work motivation therefore applies to the employee and to the company alike, becoming one of the components of their work potential. The motivational potential, coupled with the skill potential of the work, as well as working time, constitute work potential, which can be determined, then shaped and raised as appropriate. The main objective of this paper is to outline the concept of a system of evaluation of motivational potential of work in a company and the results of empirical studies. The identification and evaluation of motivational potential of work in the surveyed company was selected as the main research problem. The practical aim of the study was to identify the gap in the motivational potential of work, which constitutes the difference between the desired level of motivational potential of work and the actual level determined in the company. When measuring the motivation gap, the state of discrepancy between presented values is determined and the directions and ways of bridging this gap are indicated. To achieve the objectives of the study and verification of the hypotheses, the researchers used literature analysis, influence factor analysis, survey, expert study, case study and categorization technique. The use of these methodologies for evaluating the motivational potential of work in practice, or—more precisely—the information gathered thanks to these methodologies, can constitute the basis for modelling the growth capacity of a company and for recognizing the managerial pragmatism of the company in this area.


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