Reasons for the insufficient use of e-learning in the employee training process in the sector of small and medium enterprises
Okładka tom 40


e-learning trainings
barriers to the use of e-learning
SME sector

How to Cite

KoziołM., MikosA., & LeśniakK. (2018). Reasons for the insufficient use of e-learning in the employee training process in the sector of small and medium enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 40(4), 13-23.


The aim of the article is to identify the reasons for the insufficient use of e-learning training in the SME sector and to indicate ways to reduce it, as well as to present the results of empirical research. The implementation of the foreseen objective was based on: analysis of the results of the predecessors’ researches and the questionnaire. Research, in its scope, included internal reasons for the low use of e-learning training, and so it related to the decision-making sphere of the company. Numerous financial, personnel and information barriers have been identified, as well as lack of a coherent training and knowledge management and poor cooperation with other entities in the sector. External causes derive, among others, from poor knowledge of the principles and methods of conducting cybernetic learning and communication, lack of interest and use of IT tools referred to as the ‘Internet of Things’, and finally low, unsatisfying work-life balance.


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