Impact of environmental protection requirements on electrical energy price changes in Poland
Okładka tom 11
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ecological standards
environmental protection
electrical energy prices

How to Cite

DabrowaM., & Zaba-NierodaR. (2008). Impact of environmental protection requirements on electrical energy price changes in Poland. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 11(1), 103-116.


Adjustment of Polish power plants to rigorous requirements of environmental protection causes the necessity to incur substantial outlays. Particularly tightened environmental standards concern – big sources of fuel burning. Due to the necessity to ensure the state’s energy security it is necessary to modernise and build new generated powers in electrical power engineering. The situation causes growing investment outlays and electric energy generation costs. It will be particularly reflected in the market share fall, growth in energy generation costs and electric energy prices.
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