Looking for innovations at the real estate market
Okładka tom 24
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innovations at the real estate market

How to Cite

BacM. (2014). Looking for innovations at the real estate market. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 11-21. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2014.01.1121


The theme of this article focuses on the changes at the real estate market whose main purpose is to obtain the new quality of a product/service and the improvement of the existing solutions regarding the product, the service, the organisation or the marketing present at this market. The aim of the article is to examine the real estate market concentrating on innovative solutions and to present their descriptions and analyses. In the introduction the main terms of innovations, regarding the real estate market, are presented. Taking into consideration different fields of market activities, specified technical and technological innovations were described as well as organisational and procedural also marketing and financial ones. In the next part of the paper some determinants of innovations and types of innovations have been analysed on examples, projects of National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, financial instruments enabling investment (derivatives, reverse mortgage, green mortgage, bancassurance, new insurance products), mobile applications for presenting offers and making transactions at this market and innovative real estate investments. In the conclusion there have been mentioned the latest trends at the real estate market and its development prospects for the near future.

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