Meaning of clusters in innovation of enterprises
Okładka tom 24
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enterprise innovation
cluster structure in the innovation processes

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Stanienda J. (2014). Meaning of clusters in innovation of enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 189-200.


The observed low level of innovativeness of the Polish economy was the premise of the given topic examine the importance of cluster structures in enterprise innovation. The purpose of the article was to evaluate the role of clusters in increasing the innovation activity of enterprises. Many years of experience show that clusters are the driving force of economic growth and build competitive and innovative companies. The cluster concept is part of the modern models of innovation, stressing the importance of interaction and cooperation between different types of entities. They affect the intensification of R&D, commercialization of research, technology transfer and the dissemination of knowledge. In clusters it is possible to build mutual trust, facilitate communication and stimulating cooperation between entities as well as business and science. In this study was adopted the idea that clusters are important in the innovation activity of enterprises by building mutual trust and cooperation between the various organizations of the cluster. The survey results verify wagered thesis about the importance of clusters of the enterprises innovative activity. They show that the impact of cluster innovation enterprises depends on many determinants that have been identified in Tarnow Industrial Cluster.
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