Coopetition strategy in clusters
Okładka tom 20
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StaniendaJ. (2012). Coopetition strategy in clusters. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 20(1), 181-192.


Concepts related to business activity of companies have changed in the last decades. The situation was to a large extent caused by expanding globalization and development of modern forms of communication. These changes influenced the understanding of the nature of competition between companies and lead to recognition of the significance of the development concept based on clusters, which are perceived as one of the ways to develop competitiveness. The article presents issues related to integration of competition and cooperation into one type of relation and interaction, which is a characteristic feature of economic mesosystems such as clusters. It seems that integration of competition and cooperation leads to emergence of a new type of behaviour among business entities—coopetition.
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