Management motivation system in responsibility centres
ZN MWSE 3/2020 - okładka


motivation system
factors and instruments of motivating management staff
responsibility centres
management contract

How to Cite

KoziołW., & WojtowiczA. (2020). Management motivation system in responsibility centres. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 47(3), 73-85.


The article describes selected elements of the motivation system in an enterprise, paying particular attention to the factors and instruments of motivating the managerial staff. The task system as well as the competences and duties of the heads of organizational units are also presented, together with the scopes of their activities within the responsibility centres. Varieties of management contracts are given, which form the formal framework for the implementation of the factors motivating managers. The aim of the article is to present the concept of a motivation system for the management of a responsibility centre and the results of empirical research. Factors and tools for stimulating the motivation of the work of managerial staff are adopted as the subject of the analysis, while the activity and development of the enterprise are the reference. The scope of the research was limited mainly to the positions of the profit centre and the normative cost centre, and to a lesser extent the income centre. The following research methods were used to achieve the objectives of the article: literature analysis, work analysis, modelling, interview, expert research and case study. The presented concept of a motivation system for management in responsibility centres is based on the views of the authors emphasizing that it is mainly the management of the organization and working conditions that are the key in the motivation of work, as well as the results of work analysis and managers’ proposals—collected during the interviews. This concept covers 10 groups of motivation factors, which constitute a subclass of non-salary motivation factors and a subclass of salary factors, i.e. the remuneration system and the task-based system of the responsibility centre. Established factors may constitute the basis for building motivation systems for managers of units with a lower degree of autonomy and independence, including managers of functional units separated in a centralized structure.


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