Economy and spatial order. Planning and the policy of regional and local development


conventional and spatial economy
spatial order
theory of regional and local development
spatial policy

How to Cite

SiekierskiJ. (2021). Economy and spatial order. Planning and the policy of regional and local development. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 50(2), 93-106.


The article presents both theoretical and practical aspects of socio-economic activity in the country, regions and municipalities. Attention is paid to the formulation of the theory of location and spatial order in spatial
economy, contained in the main paradigms of J. H. von Thünen, A. Weber, H. Hotelling, W. Christaller and A. Lӧsch, as well as in the more recent (contemporary) theories of W. Isard, R. Sinclair, and C. Ronsard. In the next part of the study, theories of spatial development—regional and local—are outlined. On this basis, the article presents new aspects of planning, order and spatial policy in Poland, taking into account the national, regional (voivodeship) and local (municipalities and poviats) levels. In the above-discussed topic, compatible issues preceding planning were taken into account, i.e. preparation of a development strategy, and then the assumptions and practical implementation of regional and local development policy.


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