The question of business ethic in Islam
Okładka tom 9
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business ethics
Islamic banking

How to Cite

RamockaM. (2006). The question of business ethic in Islam. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 9(1), 127-141.


The article addresses the issue of business ethics in Islam. The first part describes the origin of this religion, in particular from the point of view of the economic situation of Arabic tribes of the period. This part also presents the main rules of Islam. The second part is devoted to the normative principles of business ethics in Islam, which are rooted, above all in the book of the Koran. The normative principles of Islam extend to all spheres of human life, including the economy, and the obligatory normative requirements presented in this article (for instance relating to the activity of usury) correspond to adequate, practical solutions adopted in the daily life of contemporary practicing Muslims. The article also takes a closer look at these solutions themselves.
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