The impact of cooperation within the framework of alliances knowledge on the ability of innovative companies
Okładka tom 24
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innovative capacity
cooperation of companies
knowledge alliances

How to Cite

MikosA., KoziolW., & BelzowskiP. (2014). The impact of cooperation within the framework of alliances knowledge on the ability of innovative companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 137-147.


The future development of the economy, its modernity and innovation are cooperation businesses. The degree of cooperation is dependent on the environment, competitors, and the needs of the cooperator. Every company that operates in terms of the knowledge economy to be developed and strengthened their position in the market, must be innovative (i.e. must have and build the necessary capacity, used to create innovation), and that is possible due to acquisition of knowledge from external sources, called: knowledge alliances. The practice indicates growing number of cooperation initiatives of enterprises with external entities in the field of collaborative learning. Alliance helps in the exchange of experiences and knowledge between cooperating organizations. The first part of the article outlines the theoretical recognition of such alliances, the second part contains the results of studies that demonstrate the use of this form of knowledge acquisition by the company of Tarnow and Malopolska region. The purpose of this article is to present modern forms of knowledge from outside. It was also an attempt to identify the determinants of cooperation at the level of cooperation with external institutions and evaluate their effectiveness, as a condition for strengthening the capacity development of the company. The level of cooperation of enterprises in the alliance knowledge has been additionally evaluated.
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