The importance of brand in the corporate identity business
Okładka tom 16


power industry

How to Cite

Żaba-NierodaR. (2010). The importance of brand in the corporate identity business. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 16(2), 181-192.


A strong brand supports the main business strategy and increases efficiency of a company’s operations. A brand affects profits. Influencing clients’ preferences it allows achieving a competitive advantage. A consistently managed brand reflects needs of the environment and responds to challenges and ensuing changes. A well managed brand supports internal harmony as regards the vision of a company. The existing image of the power industry in common awareness makes use of symbols rooted in the 20th and 21st centuries. Defining the correct message of a brand, one should avoid meanings which may confirm common awareness of the society that energy generation has contributed to interference with the natural environment. This image has been commonly applied to brand creation on the power industry market for over one hundred years. The article presents an example of creating a new brand strategy in Tauron Group.


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