General concept of analysis and design of process management systems (PMS)
Okładka tom 21
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process management system
process approach
assessment criteria
assessment of effectiveness

How to Cite

StabrylaA. (2012). General concept of analysis and design of process management systems (PMS). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 21(2), 125-142.


The paper proposes a general formula for analysing and designing a process management system. The general objective of the analysis is to assess the effectiveness of managerial activities and, consequently, propose necessary improvements.

The paper discusses the following issues: definition of a process management system, graphical forms of presenting processes, the concept of a process approach, methodology for analysing process management systems, assessment of process effectiveness and improvement, characteristics of designing process management systems.

The methodological issues discussed in the paper focus on two areas: methods for analysing process management systems and the designing cycle for such systems. The proposed methods for analysing process management systems include the following stages: 1) setting the objectives of and defining research areas, 2) type-oriented and quantitative selection of assessment criteria, 3) determination of assessment weightings, 4) measurement of the systems’ effectiveness.

The designing cycle in a specialised variant (referred to process management systems) corresponds to the below defined stages:
1. Description of management area.
2. Designing the pragmatics of management processes.
3. Designing the organization of management processes.
4. Designing management process instruments.
5. Analysis of management process effectiveness.
6. Improvements in process management systems.
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