Using e-learning in the process of students’ education
Okładka tom 17


distance learning
e-learning platform

How to Cite

ChrabaszczK. (2011). Using e-learning in the process of students’ education. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 17(1), 55-66.


The paper presents the activities undertaken by the Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów (MSET) in order to develop distance learning in students’ education. Diversity of distance teaching forms has been outlined. The author has analysed advantages and shortcomings of distance teaching which may have major bearing on the future of e-learning in higher-level teaching. The possibility of adjusting time dedicated for learning and the rate of assimilating knowledge to individual needs of a student is an important advantage. E-learning allows minimising fear or shyness in some students during traditional lessons. The worst shortcoming of this system is lack of direct contact of a student with a teacher and other class participants. Another problem is lack of motivation and self-discipline in the learning person, so important in case of distant teaching. The Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów has its own e-learning platform based on the Moodle program. Similar types of platforms are already in use by academic facilities all over the world. The MSET e-learning platform was first used in teaching in the academic year 2009/2010. The classes with this tool were attended by 458 full- and part-time students. The paper presents initial research after the pilot classes in the blended learning system. The research results indicate that students support development of the college facility towards distant teaching, but without resignation of direct contact with the teacher. The experience of MSET may be helpful for other entities which have not undertaken actions related to distance teaching.


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