Methodology of enterprise organisational structure improvement, with special attention to the process perspective
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organisational structures
organisational structure improvement
enterprise organisation

How to Cite

Stabryla A. (2008). Methodology of enterprise organisational structure improvement, with special attention to the process perspective. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 11(1), 117-138.


The aim of this article is to present the methodology concept of organizational structure improvement, combining two fundamental dimensions: subjective and relational. The departure point of this concept is a statement that the structural research forms structural frames for management and executive processes. It means that the organisational structure can be analysed as a static system, but it can also be perceived in an integrated way, by connecting and completing the static aspect with the dynamic aspect. The main body of the article presents the following issues: organisational structure development, organisational structure research premises in the subjective-relational approach, universal perspective of research methodology, selection of criteria and methods of organizational structure assessment. The author also pays attention to the problem of organisational structure improvement within the context of economy based on knowledge.
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