Vol. 53 No. 1-2 (2022): The Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów Research Papers Collection
The Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów Research Papers Collection

The journal is the work of employees of our School as well as those of other universities and research centres around the country, i.e. the University of Warsaw, the University of Lodz, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, the University of Agriculture in Krakow, the Pedagogical University of Krakow, the Cracow University of Economics, Kozminski University in Warsaw and the Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law.
The articles, which are the result of scientific work carried out as part of basic and implementation research, present a great deal of interesting cognitive and application-related information, from the point of view of the theory of economics and finance, as well as management and quality. In particular, research was presented on the economic productivity of assets, from the relation of operational costs to revenues from operational activity, in the context of the development of the company’s activity and the scale of production. This thematic group also includes a text devoted to the assessment of the company’s accounting system as a source of data
on environmental protection, the relationship between environmental protection and the financial condition of the company—important when assessing the implementation of the sustainable development postulate. Another article presents the results of the analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions of numerous enterprises in the last ten years. In the conclusion section, the authors emphasize the growing importance of this method in creating benefits for the company.