Knowledge-based relationships and their role in business innovation activities
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innovation activities

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KarasA., & PyrekR. (2012). Knowledge-based relationships and their role in business innovation activities. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 21(2), 65-76.


Enterprises use and develop their potential, which provides the basis of their innovation. The most important resource is knowledge, closely related to the development of human capital and technology which have always been essential factors influencing the development of the company. The formation of knowledge in a company is associated with obtaining data and processing it into some specific information, which consequently creates or enriches knowledge. The aim of this article is to show the importance of knowledge in the development of business innovation activities. The first part of this article presents the basic concepts of knowledge and its classification. Also the spiral model of knowledge in organizations has been presented. The article assumes that the innovation is a relational activity between individuals and institutions, expressed through individual actions or a series of individual and institutional actions. The second part of the article presents the results of empirical research on innovation and the influence of innovation on the overall business income. This section presents the evaluation of the relationships between the positions in organizations and the correlated use of knowledge in the process of creating innovation. The goal of each organization is continuous development of the company through the process of innovation. However, this process requires companies to stay receptive to new ideas and cooperation with other entities. Creating an adequate network of knowledge enables enterprises to acquire knowledge from outside and share it inside the organisations thus contributing to their innovation.
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