Strategies for the development of agriculture and rural areas in Poland between 1990–2020
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strategy for the development of agriculture and rural transformation system
European integration
Sustainable development
strategic documents
the Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries for the years 2012‒2020

How to Cite

SiekierskiJ. (2014). Strategies for the development of agriculture and rural areas in Poland between 1990–2020. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 159-174.


The paper presents a historical overview of strategic concepts for rural and agriculture development (broadly: agriculture and food sector) and their implementation in Poland between 1990‒2020. In this article the compatibility of these documents with the national and EU ones was considered. For their presentation, the two periods of changes were presented, that is the initial transformation and association with EU structures as well as complete Polish membership in the EU. The article also describes the transformation of Polish agricultural and food sector in the light of the middle European size (EU24) before and after the Polish accession to the EU. In the last part of the paper the author discusses the main content of the diagnosis, assumptions and requirements currently implemented for realization of the Sustainable Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries 2012‒2020.
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