Development strategies in Poland in 1990–2030
Okładka tom 22
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national development strategy
European integration
system transformation
sustainable development
National Development Plan
National Strategic Reference Framework
EU Strategy “Europe 2020”
Mid-term National Development Strategy 2020
Long-term National Development Strategy 2030

How to Cite

SiekierskiJ. (2013). Development strategies in Poland in 1990–2030. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 133-153.


This article presents a historical outline of the development of thought of national development strategy – within the EU association period and then with full membership of Poland in EU. The first part describes the shock strategy of L. Balcerowicz, the “Strategy for Poland” of G. Kołodko and the National Strategy for Integration in 1997-2003. On the other hand, the “Long-term Strategy for Sustained and Sustainable Development – Poland 2025” adopted by the Sejm in 2000 was discussed. Further considerations focus on the content of the Treaty of Accession to EU and the National Development Plan for 2004-2006 as well as the National Strategic Reference Framework for 2007-2013. The last part of this article refers to the Strategy “Europe 2020” and within the context thereof, the main points and assumptions of the Mid-term National Development Strategy 2020 were presented including the diagnosis for the purposes of this strategy as well as strategic areas taking into account developmental objectives and priorities. A reference was also made to the preliminary assumptions of the national development strategy in the perspective of 2030.
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